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16B3704 - Air TOM AFM
SKU: 16B3704


Air TOM AFM, is the newest member of the Training Opponent Mannequin® family. At 6’2″ tall and 26″ wide when inflated, the increased size of the Air TOM® AFM mimics physical strikers and defenders, and has an internal, fillable base (water recommended) keeping it upright when facing contact. During goalkeeper training, Air TOM® AFM can be used as an obstacle for bumping goalkeepers in more aggressive training simulation. Use Air TOM® AFM with your field players during sessions when passive defenders are needed. Air TOM® AFM is all-surface friendly! *Water recommended for filling base*

  • Dimensions: 12.75 x 13.75 x 6 in
  • Material: Eco-Friendly PBC
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Handles for easy movement
  • Includes hand pump and patch kit