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ATEC HI.PER Pro (Regulation Spec) Baseball

HI.PER Pro (Regulation Spec) Baseball

HI.PER Pro (Regulation Spec) Baseball

WTATBL01B12 is out of stock until 04/04/25

This date may change and move forward or backward depending on when stock is available. Orders placed now will ship as soon as stock is replenished. Your order will be placed in a queue in the order it was received. We apologize for this delay which is out of our control.

HI.PER Ball Line - Machines are only one part of what creates consistent and accurate ball flight.  Balls are an extremely important factor in training machine accuracy.  Our High Performance (Hi.Per) line of balls have been developed with numerous proprietary aerodynamic efficiencies; designed to maximize your machine's accuracy.  Each ball in the Hi.Per series is the MOST accurate in its class, helping you get the most accurate Ball Flight every single time.

  • Training Machine Approved
  • High Tensile Strength Accu-Seams
  • Premium Full Grain Leather
  • Red Cushion Cork Center
  • Regulation Weight & Size
  • Aerodynamically optimized for pitching machines
  • Indoor Training
  • See below for the quantity choices
ATEC HI.PER Pro (Regulation Spec) Baseball WTATBL01B12
1 Dozen
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