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Champion Sports Coated High Density Foam Bullet Football

FFCB - Champion Sports Coated High Density Foam Bullet Football

Champion Sports Coated High Density Foam Bullet Football

The Champion Sports High Density Coated Foam Bullet Football is great for younger children. Soft enough to be tossed or thrown without the fear of painful impact, these blue and yellow footballs are made of high-density foam, feature a molded wave pattern, and have a soft coating for durability.

The Champion Sports Coated High Density Foam Bullet Football is a great option for teaching young kids how to play the game. Made with high density foam, this football is easy for players to throw and catch without being hurt by the impact of the ball. Also, the tear-resistant cover ensures the ball will hold up to outdoor conditions, making football games at recess a great time to practice throwing the perfect spiral. 

•Coated high density foam bullet football


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