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Champion Sports Iron Shot Puts

Champion Sports Iron Shot Puts

Champion Sports Iron Shot Puts

IS8 is out of stock until 07/17/25

IS12 is out of stock until 07/17/25

IS16 is out of stock until 07/17/25

This date may change and move forward or backward depending on when stock is available. Orders placed now will ship as soon as stock is replenished. Your order will be placed in a queue in the order it was received. We apologize for this delay which is out of our control

Train like a champion with our weight accurate Champion Sports Shot Put. Intended for training, this shot is all iron and made to last. 

•Iron shot put

•Weight accurate for practice

•Assorted Sizes 

Champion Sports 4k Iron Shot Put
The 4 kg shot put is designed for women’s high school or male junior level practice.
Champion Sports 6 lb Iron Shot Put
The 6 lb shot put is designed for male and female youth level practice.
Champion Sports 8 lb Iron Shot Put
The 8 lb shot put is designed for women’s high school or male junior level practice.
Champion Sports 12 lb Iron Shot Put
The 12 lb shot put is designed for male high school level practice.
Champion Sports 16 lb Iron Shot Put
The 16 lb shot put is designed for male college level practice.
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