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First Team FT83 Fury Safety Padding

FT83 - First Team Fury Safety Padding

First Team FT83 Fury Safety Padding

In addition to premium pole pads, we carry a variety of pole base safety pads, also called gusset pads, that can protect your players during nasty falls. They're pyramid-shaped, which also helps protect players feet. Like our pole pads, these are available in 16 team colors so you can create a custom look on your court.

Eliminate your players' risk of injury from accidental contact with weight box corners by adding First Team's ballast box safety padding. These pads slip on and off with no need for fastening, and they're designed for all-weather use. They're an ideal and economical way to ensure your players' safety.

  • Protective padding for First Team Fury unit 
  • 2" thick foam vinyl covered pads 
  • Velcro Attach
  • 16 color options available see color chart
  • All-weather
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