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Fisher Segment Timer

SEG100 - Fisher Segment Timer

Fisher Segment Timer

The Segment Timer makes is easy for coaches and trainers to manage practice sessions on a large LED display.

  • Operate the Segment Timer from it's smartphone app (available for both iPhone and Android) or radio frequency remote
  • Four digit LED panel viewable up to 300ft away
  • Left two digits are 7 1/2" tall; right two digits are 12 1/2" tall
  • Left digits display number of segments
  • Right digits display length of time for each segment
  • Program up to 99 segments between 1 second and 99 minutes, 59 seconds
  • Final minute counts down in seconds
  • Operate remote control up to 65ft away
  • Store multiple programs in app, then download to timer when needed
  • Adjust volume up to 140dB
  • Can handle light rain, but not water proof
  • 4 operating modes: countdown, count-up, scoreboard, clock mode
  • Scoreboard mode displays scores for two teams, up to 99 each
  • Freestanding on ground or table or can be hanged from a fence
  • Three-year warranty


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