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Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummies

Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummies

Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummies

Rolled polyfoam core - won’t sag with age

18-ounce double-sided vinyl coated nylon

Double ply, multiple stitched handles

Twin-stitched, double thick bottoms

SUD4214 - 14” diameter x 42” tall (16 lbs.)

SUD4814 - 14” diameter x 48” tall (18 lbs.)

SUD5414 - 14” diameter x 54” tall (20 lbs.)

Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummy - SUD4214
SKU: SUD4214
Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummy - SUD4814
SKU: SUD4814
Fisher Stand Up 14" Dummy - SUD5414
SKU: SUD5414