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Football Pro-Down Flip Indicator and Solid Chain Set

1379285 - Football Pro-Down Flip Indicator and Solid Chain Set
SKU: 1379285

Football Pro-Down Flip Indicator and Solid Chain Set

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  • Fully padded, 8' high chain set with "Bulls-eye" design and solid orange high visibility banners
  • 7' 4" high padded flip down indicator with 11" high two-color numbers
  • 10-yard galvanized steel chain
  • 2-piece pole chain set

Officials can confidently decide whether a play ends just short at third and inches or whether a first down has been acquired with help from this Pro Down Solid Orange Chain Set and Down Indicator. Players, coaches and fans will know whether the offense has another shot at scoring points or whether it's time for a turnover thanks to the bull's-eye design and solid orange banners on the chain set and large numbers on the down indicator box, which can be spotted from virtually anywhere on the gridiron or in the bleachers. Referees can depend on this set for seasons to come, as the 10-yard galvanized steel chain stands up to rigorous, all-weather use.

  • Two-piece chain set allows one pole to be placed on the current line and one pole to be placed farther down the field to mark the distance needed to get a first down
  • 10-yard galvanized steel chain delivers accurate measurements during football games and withstands a variety of weather conditions
  • 8 ft. high chain set poles with a bull's-eye design and solid orange banners for high visibility
  • One-piece, Pro-Down Flip  down indicator displays 11 in. high numbers in dual colors for easy readability on the field or in the stands
  • Fully padded chain set helps protect players who run out of bounds or are tackled on the sidelines
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