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Jaypro 3 ft. Baseball Backstop Padding

Jaypro 3 ft. Baseball Backstop Padding

Jaypro 3 ft. Baseball Backstop Padding

EnviroSafe Padding is a new green foam product that is affordable and environmentally friendly! 100% Polyester foam means zero water absorption and no mildew. Will have no outdoor foam hardening like standard urethane pads. 100% Toxin free, 100% recyclable, latex free and hypoallergenic. Meets CA 117 T.B. fire retardant standards. 2" Thick Soft IFD 100 EnviroSafe Foam. 18 oz. tough fire-retardant, phthalate-free PVC coated vinyl covering.

Field padding reduces the threat of injury along the back wall, fence railing, scoreboards, or any other area in the field or along the stands. When player safety is an issue, installing padding is the key to preventing injuries.

  • 2 in. thick impact polyurethane foam
  • 18 oz. vinyl with UV protection
  • Sewn pad with 2 ft. reinforced vinyl flap on top and bottom
  • Brass grommets spaced every 12 in.

Specify pad color when ordering:
Available in: Red, Navy Blue, Maple Green, Black, Royal Blue, Gray, Maroon, Purple, Kelly Green, Yellow, White, Tan, Orange, and Sky Blue.

Outdoor Padding Specs

This item ships by truck. Contact us at 877-497-6671 for a shipping quote.

Jaypro 3 ft.H x 12 ft.L Backstop Padding BSP2312
3 ft.H x 12 ft.L
SKU: BSP2312
Jaypro 3 ft.H x 10 ft.L Backstop Padding BSP2310
3 ft.H x 10 ft.L
SKU: BSP2310
Jaypro 3 ft.H x 8 ft.L Backstop Padding BSP238
3 ft.H x 8 ft.L
Jaypro 3 ft.H x 6 ft.L Backstop Padding BSP236
3 ft.H x 6 ft.L
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