Kwik Goal Goalazo
2B1902 is out of stock until 10/01/24
2B1903 is out of stock until 10/01/24
2B1904 is out of stock until 10/01/24
This date may change and move forward or backward depending on when stock is available. Orders placed now will ship as soon as stock is replenished. Your order will be placed in a queue in the order it was received. We apologize for this delay which is out of our control.
The Goalazo is a throwback to Kwik Goal’s early roots of popularizing collapsible and portable goals! The Goalazo is made up of heavy-duty aluminum, designed to help withstand multiple types of shots, and only takes a few seconds to set-up or take down. Available in 2.5' x 4', 3' x 5', and 4' x 6' makes the Goalazo perfect for small-sided games at any complex, club, school, or facility. A carry bag is included.
Sold Individually