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Pro Down Chevron Chain & Indicator

Pro Down Chevron Chain & Indicator

Pro Down Chevron Chain & Indicator

1375487 is out of stock until 05/12/25

This date may change and move forward or backward depending on when stock is available. Orders placed now will ship as soon as stock is replenished. Your order will be placed in a queue in the order it was received. We apologize for this delay which is out of our control.

Football fans, commentators and coaches can easily identify the distance left to make a first down with the BSN SPORTS Chevron Chain Set and Pro-Style Indicator, which is equipped with a 10-yard galvanized steel chain for accurate measuring. The chain set displays two bulls-eyes at the top of fully padded banners that extend 8 ft. into the air. With three colors and a chevron-style pattern, the chain set makes it easy to see the outcome of the play from across the gridiron. Designed with 12.5 in. numbers, the pro-style down indicator box provides a simple method of declaring offensive progress on the field.

    • Fully padded two-piece chain set with a 10-yard galvanized steel chain indicates the number of yards the offense needs to go to make a first down
    • Chain set measures 8 ft. high with three-color chevron banners and bold bulls-eyes at the top for clear progress tracking
    • 7.3 ft. tall professional-style down box displays 12.5 in. numbers for viewers to identify the down
Down Box Only
Pro Down Chevron Chain & Indicator Set 1375487
Complete Set
SKU: 1375487
Pro Down Chevron Chain Set 1371543
Chain Set Only
SKU: 1371543
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