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Tetherball Equipment

Gared In-Ground Tetherball System

6809 - Gared In-Ground Tetherball System

Gared Sleeved Tetherball System

6812 - Gared Sleeved Tetherball System

Gared Standard Tetherball with Nylon Rope

6805 - Gared Standard Tetherball with Nylon Rope

Gared Tetherball System

6810 - Gared Tetherball System

Jaypro Portable Indoor/Outdoor Tetherball Pole

TBP-275R - Jaypro Portable Indoor/Outdoor Tetherball Pole

Jaypro Semi-Permanent Outdoor Tetherball Pole

TBP-200 - Jaypro Semi-Permanent Outdoor Tetherball Pole

Jaypro Base Deluxe with Net Tensioning Multi-Purpose Standards

Jaypro Base Deluxe with Net Tensioning Multi-Purpose Standards
From $755.97

L.A. Steelcraft Tetherball Package & Replacement Parts

L.A. Steelcraft Tetherball Package & Replacement Parts
From $24.50

Stackhouse All Purpose Roll-Away Standard

VAPR - Stackhouse All Purpose Roll-Away Standard

Stackhouse Tetherball Pole

TBP - Stackhouse Tetherball Pole

Gared Tetherball Ground Sleeve (Only)

6824 - Gared Tetherball Ground Sleeve (Only)

Stackhouse Tetherball Pole Sleeve

TBPS - Stackhouse Tetherball Pole Sleeve