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The Perfect Circle 12-14" Pitcher's Training Aid

PCIRC - The Perfect Circle 12-14" Pitcher's Training Aid

The Perfect Circle 12-14" Pitcher's Training Aid

  • Instant feedback without the need of a coach watching 
  • Elastic band holds a square flap that fits around the upper thigh and extends out a few inches into the pitcher's release zone
  • When practicing windmill pitches for softball, the arm should touch the flap every time. An arm position too far from the thigh at the bottom can cause many problems, including control problems, lack of speed, undue stress to the shoulder socket and more
  • Teaches proper placement of the hand in the release zone
  • Excellent pitching aid for basic mechanics or advanced pitching mechanics such as fast ball, change-up, drop ball, screw ball, rise ball, and curve ball
  • Fits in your pocket
  • With instructional CD and carrying case
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